About Us

About Magnificient Integrated Farms Ltd

Magnificient Integrated Farms Ltd is an integrated agriculture business company, which provides grain, foods, livestock and energy resources to businesses and consumers. Our Purpose is to deliver premium value to our customers in the food value chain by supplying them with hygenic farm produce which are cost effective.

Crop Farming

Our crop ranges from Yam, Cashew, Banana, Vegetables, Potatoe, Cocoa, Mango, Cassava, Rice etc

Livestock Farming

Our livestock ranges from Cow, Cattle, Ram, Snail, Pig, Chicken, Turkey, Rabbit e.t.c

Fish Farming

We specialize in catfish rearing and we supply to every state in Nigeria. Get in touch with us to be your supplier

Experienced Farmers
Experienced Engineers
Crop Product
Livestock Animal Type